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Paws to Teach Kitty to Come on Cue

Cats need mental and physical exercise to be happy, healthy members of a human household. Learn more about cat behavior and how to teach your cat at home and your will raise the cat of your dreams and best friend for life!

Can you really teach cats?

Absolutely! You just need to learn a few things first - like how cats communicate and learn and what are normal feline behaviors. Then you can stimulate your cat's mind AND help your cat to modify normal feline behaviors into acceptable household etiquette.

Teaching a cat is so EASY! Surprised?

Use tasty morsels of food to "lure" your cat into actions such as coming to you or sitting on cue before you release that tasty morsel as the reward. Using food as a lure and reward is a gentle, effective method of showing your cat exactly what behavior you want.

Learn methods that use brains not brawn!  

What is a food lure? 

Similar to a fishing lure, a food lure moves your cat into positions you want to teach.

Start with a hungry cat!

Put a tasty morsel of food in your hand and place your hand in front of your cat's nose to capture your cat's attention.

Walk backwards slowly. Does your cat follow the lure?  If so,  say, "Good Kitty.- Come - Good Kitty" as you move back then after a few steps, release the food as the reinforcement.

Begin using the word, "Come," or whatever specific word you choose every time you call you cat to you. Only use this word when your cat is very close and you are sure your cat will comply. As soon as your cat looks at you - praise. Praise you cat for any response. Try to say the cue word once and use praise to encourage the completion of the behavior.

Select a treat that will keep your cat's focused attention. Teach your cat when he or she is very hungry and relaxed. 

Behaviors are more likely repeated when they "earn" your loving attention and result in what your cat wants and values  such as getting fed or lovin'. This is why cats respond to the sound of a can opener or learn to meow for food and attention. 
Learning and using gentle methods builds your feline's intelligence and trust and keeps learning a positive experience.

If your cat is doing ANYTHING you wish he or she didn't do, or is not responding to the simple lesson above, then consider making an appointment with a Veterinary Behavior Consultant based on a  Pet Behavior History Analysis
The Analysis helps you understand why your pet acts in certain ways and what you can do to improve your cat's behavior at home using gentle, easy, proven methods.

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