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Supervising DaySchool

NOTE: This training is SUPPLEMENTAL to the training material available for DayCare.

Desensitizing To Noise and Confinement in Different Places 
Do this after the dog seems calm around people and dogs.  Try to have the dog spend time in the grooming and treatment areas, to get desensitized to noises.  This dog should be moved to several different locations (different kennels on the grounds).  Introduce a variety of sounds (e.g., clap, rattle cage, slap two lids together, etc.)  This is done only when the dog is already calm.  Gradually increase the stimulus.  Reward a calm response with a food treat.

Try to have all pups spend some time in a run, and several different-sized kennels (on the same or on different days).  Avoid the area near ward isolation, or any place sick dogs might go.  Remember, we are only concerned about CONTAGIOUS diseases, which are not that common, and usually require the pet be housed in isolation.

House Training
In general, we will encourage the dog to use grass to eliminate, unless the owner requests something different.  Other alternatives might be concrete, gravel, or dirt.  If requested, we will train the dog to these substrates.

The basic training method is as follows: When the dog is first brought into DayCare, confine him in the kennel. Frequently take him out, on a leash, to the grass.  Command him to “Get busy!”  If the dog does not eliminate within 60 seconds and at most three commands, bring him back into the kennel. In about a half hour, repeat the process.  When the dog does eliminate, praise him, give a food treat, and then play with him as time permits before taking him into the salon playroom.  Time in the playroom with other pups should be the reward for successful elimination on grass. 

Food and water are given only about twice a day.  Remember, “Controlled intake equals controlled output.” We want to know when the dog will need to go so we can make it a learning experience.  A puppy will need to eliminate shortly (5 to 30 minutes) after tanking up.  Be ready, or tell someone else who will be available to take the pup out and give the appropriate command and reward.

If the pup will not eliminate on lead, try off-leash, or (if difficult to catch), connecting a few leads together.  This is a result of the owner punishing the pup for eliminating in their sight.  All the pup learns is “Don’t let them see you do it.”

Chew Toys
Chews are encouraged while in DaySchool. Chews can be shared by healthy dogs in DayCare, but should be washed with soap and water daily, similar to food and water bowls.  The owner may bring the same personal chew each day with their dog for use when the dog is alone in a kennel. For most dogs, we recommend rawhide chews or the softer “Gumabone®.” For larger and heavy chewers, give a Nylabone® (after they have destroyed a Gumabone®).  If you see a dog chewing, praise him immediately.  If the dog is ignoring the chew, try to get the dog to hold it in his mouth, then give attention (attention is contingent upon having the chew in the mouth).  If the dog ignores the chew, suggest the owner soak it in warm soup to absorb moisture, or rub liverwurst or peanut butter on it and allow the dog to be hungry to encourage chewing on it.

Socializing the DaySchool Dogs - (How About Company for Lunch?)Try to arrange it so that dogs can spend time in a variety of situations around people.  Make sure this does not stop normal productive work.  Examples are having the dog tied up near your chair.  (Make sure you know when it is due to eliminate.)  If giving baths, have a dog in a kennel nearby, and talk to him while you work.  If you’re going on a quick errand, scoop up a dog on your way and take it with you. Deposit him back in the kennel on the way back.  Every experience the dog has should be linked to high happy voice and a positive experience with people.

Fear biting: Recommend a behavior consult
Let the dog cower at the back of the kennel. DON’T act sympathetic.  (Talking soothingly rewards inappropriate behavior.)  DO act happy!  As lead dog you are showing there is nothing to fear.  Talk to the dog frequently; try to spend some time in front of the kennel to desensitize.  Offer treats.  Offer a hand.  Don’t rush it. Reward ANY sign of relaxation. Leave a leash attached, and go for frequent walks, while talking happily and offering treats. Remind the owner to bring him in hungry. Take him in and out of the kennel several times, then let go and offer a cookie.  Stay relaxed.  Be a friend.

Aggressive posturing (growling, threatening):  Recommend a behavior consult. Do not risk a bite. Treat similar to fearful dog.  Give it time.  When it will allow being picked up, hand off frequently to others.  When completely relaxed being held, invert (hold like a baby in your arms).  When relaxed with this, try to pin or hold upside down.

Vocabulary Goals for Canine DaySchool  (Say the dog’s name before each instruction.)

1.     “Say Hi”          (This person is not a threat.)

2.     “Get Busy”      (Eliminate here and now.)

3.     “Sit”                (Plant your rear.)

4.     “Quiet”            (Stop making noise.)

5.     “Easy”             (Don’t pull on the leash.)

6.     “Off”               (Stop touching that.)

7.     “Kennel”         (Go into this enclosure.)

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