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Error-Free Puppy Raising™ Tips

by Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS

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Getting Started Day Two - The First 24 Hours

The two biggest mistakes people make in the first 24 hours with a new puppy:

1.  Allowing the puppy free roam of the house without constant and direct supervision (on leash indoors, in a small room or kennel when not supervised...READ MORE below)

2.  Whacking the puppy - thinking they are teaching him or her not to potty in the house - WRONG!

Most puppies can be housetrained in 3 to 7 days with 100% supervision. It will take at least 2 weeks with 95% supervision and with less supervision, it may take longer.  Prevention with instruction is the key, NOT correction.

Parenting Tips™  for Puppy    

14 Days of Error-Free Puppy Raising
Click on links below and learn NOW:

Rewards and Corrections

Puppy Daycare

Why Train with Food?

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