Creating kinder, gentler experiences for pets!



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- Doggie DayCare -

Supervising Daycare

Canine DayCare consists of day kenneling, supervised play sessions and minor training. The goal of Canine DayCare is to safely socialize and build the dog’s confidence by rewarding him for acting calm in a variety of situations as well as giving the dog a positive experience in your practice. The highest emphasis should be on positive interactions (with people and other dogs), since DayCare is part of their socialization training.

Recess:  The play sessions should match dogs with similar ages and temperament.  Basic temperament categories include: Fearful, Confused, Independent, and Friendly.  (We want them all Friendly.)  Under direct supervision, older dogs can be put in the playroom or yard with puppies.  However, only use dogs of similar size and known, reliable temperament, preferably those well socialized as puppies.  To check for compatibility, walk the dog past others’ kennels to see if they each act friendly.  Leave leashes dragging at first meeting, and be sure to introduce the dogs in neutral territory, while you greet each of them back and forth with a high happy voice.  The minimum is 15 minutes per day playtime, and if possible, leave them together all day.

During recess (dogs playing) all run up and jump on you
In this case, do not reward or greet the dogs. Say “OFF” and turn your body away in a “Body Block.”   Make each dog SIT, then only greet or give a treat if the dog is sitting.  We want to reinforce in DayCare what the dog should learn to do at home.

The dog grabs the food treat from your hands

Hold the treat in your closed fist.  If necessary it is OK to hold the dog’s mouth closed, or bump his nose with your fist while saying, “OFF.”  Tell the dog to sit and let him lick at your fist.  Only when he is acting gentle, then put the food treat in your open palm and offer it to the dog.  If the dog continues to be unruly and grab, repeat the exercise of making the dog SIT and lick until he is gentle.

...::::::: Copyright 2000-2009 Rolan Tripp, DVM :::::::...