Improving Relationships Between People and Pets!


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Meet Rolan Tripp DVM

Welcome Veterinarians

Creating Kinder Gentler Experiences for Pets!

Veterinarians wanting their clients to benefit from Behavior Services may call Dr. Rolan Tripp at 1- 800-372-3706.  

Upon request of a veterinarian, Dr. Tripp offers the client a Pet Behavior History Analysis with a report to the client and veterinarian on what the pet, family, veterinary practice and trainers can do begin restoring a positive, loving, problem-free relationship. 

The Analysis is charged directly to the client by Dr. Tripp's Behavior Practice. All follow-up exams, diagnostics, medical treatments and prescriptions are provided by the pet's attending veterinarian.

Dr. Tripp and Associate Veterinary Behavior Consultants  become Behavior Affiliates of your practice  coordinating behavioral medicine with  pet behavior modification.

For severe cases, the importance of combining behavior medications and behavior modification is becoming recognized as critical to success in pet behavior treatment programs.  The veterinarian provides the Behavior Medicine and Dr. Tripp's Behavior Practice provides the behavior modification follow-up.

Unresolved pet behavior is the number one cause for pet neglect, abuse, surrender, and euthanasia.


1.  Call 1-800-372-3706 or print and fax form

Request a Pet Behavior History Analysis.

2.  Benefit from Dr. Rolan Tripp supporting your practice to help you keep clients and pets long term by offering behavior education and services.

Enroll Now

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Copyright © 2001-Present - All Rights Reserved Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS  | Animal Behavior Network & Affiliates