Creating kinder, gentler experiences for pets!



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- Becoming Pet-Centered Professionals -

Helping Pet Parents Resolve Challenging Behavior Issues
  1. PREVENTION:  Provide one year pet behavior ECourse at no charge to the team as a "perk" for being associated with your practice. Keep pets alive and continuing to come in to your practice for services. Collect the pet parents email and enroll them  (Client Entry Wizard) in a behavior ECourse or Pet Behavior Analysis information (four weekly ELessons)

  2. The Wizard automatically starts the pet parenting education email lessons that the client can stop at any point by unsubscribing or calling 1-800-372-3706 x 87.

  3. TREATMENT: Add two questions to every pet visit: Does your pet ever do anything you wish he/she didn't do such as housesoiling, destruction, showing fear or aggression, excessive vocalization or general unruliness? Where does your pet sleep? (Studies have shown that pets that live outside of the home are more at risk for neglect, abuse and surrender and euthanasia.).  Note any concerns in the pet's record,

  4. If the concern is serious, fax or phone a Request for a Pet Behavior Analysis by Veterinary Behavior Consultant. (1-800-372-3706 phone and fax).

  5. A Veterinary Behavior Technician calls or emails the pet parent information on this service. A one hour phone consultation your practice Behavior Associate and begins with an online “PetEthogram™” (pet behavior history profile) completed from home with the assistance of a Veterinary Behavior Technician assigned to support your practice.

  6. The “PetEthogram™” is the basis for the Veterinary Pet Behavior Analysis. The Veterinary Behavior Consultant (Dr. Tripp or Associate) calls the attending veterinarian with a report following the Analysis and sends the behavioral history and pet profile to add to the medical record.

  7. The pet parent is offered a custom behavior modification program to help them modify their own behaviors as a gentle method to shape pet behaviors. The program includes weekly calls and emails to guide them and to be available to answer questions and adjust the program 24/7.

  8. The practice receives regular reports on the case. The client updates the PetEthogram™ monthly. The client typically stays with the program until they have met their goals and their concerns are resolved - typically 4 to 6 months but many clients choose to continue for years - because they are enjoying this new relationship with their pet and want to keep learning and teaching the pet new behaviors.

  9. The outcome is a family that is more bonded to the pet, grateful to the veterinarian or pet professional for recommending the service, and more visits during the behavior modification and behavioral treatment program. These families and pets also tend to be long term. loyal clients.

...::::::: Copyright © 2000-Preent  All Rights Reserved by Rolan Tripp, DVM  and Susan Tripp, MS, Animal Behavior Network and Associates :::::::...