Positive Pet Parenting
Saves Lives 501 (3c)
Error Free Kitten Raising Tips™

by Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS

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Getting Started - First Impressions

Raising a happy, well-behaved kitten and fabulous feline friend for life!

There aren't too many things in life that are more fun or rewarding than bringing home a kitten to join your family.
What most people don't realize is the opportunity to shape the kitten's personality those early days and weeks into a more friendly, relaxed, happy, confident, loving adult cat companion.

You have this opportunity with the lessons you will be receiving in this Course. Even if you just open the email to see the pet cartoon and read the tips, you will become a more influential positive pet parent.

If you really take this kitten on as an opportunity to unravel the mysteries of the feline mind, you will not regret it. Learning lasts a lifetime and will benefit you, this kitten and all your future relationships with cats.

In this Course, you learn the most common mistakes people make with a new kitten and how to avoid those mistakes.


Here's a look ahead at the lessons you will receive! Happy Error Free Kitten Raising to you and your family! Preview your Course!


Unwanted pet behavior is a leading cause of pet neglect, abuse, abandonment to back yard jails, surrender to shelters, and euthanasia 

"Helping you raise a happy, well-behaved cat and a fabulous feline friend for life."

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2008 © Copyright  All Rights Reserved  Positive Pet Parenting™ Saves Lives • PPPSavesLives.org • Dr. Rolan and Susan Tripp