Positive Pet Parenting
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Error Free Kitten Raising Tips™

by Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS

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Getting Started - First Impressions

At 3 to 8 weeks of age your kitten's brain is like wet clay. Shaping good habits and a loving personality is easiest during this early learning period. As your kitten's brain matures, like drying clay, it takes a little longer to shape behaviors.  Early learning endures - good or bad - so take charge.

Your mission, should you choose to accept: 
Learn how to introduce your kitten to other people, pets and places in ways that build your kitten's confidence, friendliness, and cooperation while protecting your kitten from both physical and emotional pain.

Do NOT hit, yell or in any other way hurt or scare your kitten unless you want your kitten to become fearful, anti-social, aggressive and difficult to love and teach.

This week:  Pretend to give your kitten a thorough veterinary exam. Make this a positive experience using treats and praise. Hand feed every meal with sweet talk and find your kitten's favorite spots to finger tickle.

Introduce your kitten to people, pets and places using treats to reward confident, relaxed, friendly behaviors while protecting your kitten from both physical and emotional pain. Never hit, yell or in any way hurt or scare your kitten unless you want to shape a fearful, anti-social, aggressive personality

Kitten Development[1]:  Early Socialization - 3 to 8 weeks of age

  • Sensitive period for social learning

  • Self grooming begins

[1] AAFP. (2004). Feline Behavior Guidelines. Pg. 10.

Unwanted pet behavior is a leading cause of pet neglect, abuse, abandonment to back yard jails, surrender to shelters, and euthanasia 

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