Animal Behavior Network

Positive Cat Parenting™

by Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS

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Pet Selection

World's Oldest Cat

The Guinness Book of

World Records confirmed that Grandpa, who appeared in the March 1997 Cat Fancy centerfold,
was the world's
longest-living cat. Grandpa,
who died on
April 1, 1998,
lived to be 34 years.

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Cat Selection - One Cat, Two Cats, Three Cats, More?

What is it?  
Cat selection is a process of evaluating the best cat personality, age, and type for your household. Contrary to popular opinion, cats are social animals. Sometimes two cats do better than just one, but not always. Cats, unlike dogs, are solitary hunters. What's the point?
If you decide to add a second cat to your family, it's better to "foster" a second cat or kitten first to see if your cat and the new cat like each other. Yes, cats have good and bad chemistry with other feline individuals. Some cats are more flexible and interested in a second cat than others. If your cat was socialized to other kittens in the first two months of life, your cat will be more likely to accept a feline stranger into the family.
If you decide to add a second cat to your family, it's better to "foster" a second cat or kitten first to see if your cat and the new cat like each other.

Add Resources
Because cats are solitary hunters, it is important that you add enough "resources" when adding a second cat to avoid territorial aggression. This means have ample food, toys, cat beds, litter boxes, and space to help multiple cats to share nicely.
Pet Selection
How a family selects a pet makes a big difference in the potential for a long lasting, great relationship. Think about it. Pets live with you for up to two decades. Would you ever pick a room-mate or marry someone you didn't know well?  How do you know if, in the long run, a new pet will be compatible with your family and life-style?  It's hard to know in advance how your cat  will respond to a new roommate.

For your education...

Feline Adolescence
- 17 weeks to 1 year [1]
  • Eating solid food. Change to adult cat food at 6 - 8 months of age. Provide food puzzle and food toys.

  • Social play lessons. Continue interactive play sessions with play directed to toys not to human feet or fingers.

  • Seeks social status by challenges cats in the household. May subordinate to larger adult cats.

  • Spraying may occur - less likely if altered or if only cat. Provide tall posts and praise cheek marking. Upgrade to larger litter box - scooped 2x daily.


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