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Teaching Sit


Dog Behavior Library

Basic Dog Obedience
Teaching the Dog to "Sit" on Cue

The SIT Instruction ("Place your rump on the ground.")

We will tell you about our preferred methods but we will also tell you about methods we prefer NOT to use because you may see or they may be recommended to you by someone else. Please avoid these methods which use force and pressure and if our recommended method does not work for you send us an email so we can help fine tune the process for you!

These "NOT our Choice methods" do not physically harm the pet but they are not the best training methods because they are forcing the pet to do something it was not willing to do on their own. It is not allowing the dog to figure out what you are requesting on their own terms. When the pet is allowed to figure out through trial and error what you want it leads to higher success with each additional command you wish to teach. The methods which rely on physical touching also lead to a pet that waits for you to touch them before they preform the command which is rarely convenient for anyone.

Our Choice:  Studies show preferred methods by certified and credentialed behavior professionals and are the NO FORCE teaching methods.

1) Give a small tasty food treat for free, to show that you control treats. 

2) With your right hand, offer a food treat, held right at the nose, but don't give the treat. 

3)  Move your hand with the food treat up and over the head. Try to lure the nose up and back. If he jumps, you are holding the treat too far from his nose. If the dog ignores the treat, wait until hungry, or choose a more tasty treat.

4) If the dog's head follows the treat, his spine will pressure his rump to the ground naturally.

5) As the rump touches the ground, say SIT in a neutral tone, and praise and give the treat. Say COME to get the dog to stand and take a step, then practice the SIT. Repeat 10-20 times, until the dog gets the relationship: hear the word SIT, assume the position, get the praise and treat. 

6) Once reliable, treat every other sit, then the BEST sit of three or five attempts. Phase out the food over weeks.

7) The word SIT, plus the right hand moving up becomes the hand signal for the dog to sit. If the dog's front feet leave the ground, you are holding the food treat too high.

8) Once he has it, teach the dog to "sit for greetings" instead of jumping up on people. The rule is, "I won't greet you until you are sitting."

9) Capture the moment every time your dog sits and provide a reward. Rewarding sitting and telling her "good sit" whenever your dog sits as a normal part of her activities reinforce the behavior.

NOT our Choice:

Reminder: We tell you about the following methods because they are commonly used and we want you to be able to discern between methods.

Place one hand behind the middle of the back legs to prevent moving backward, and "cup" the back legs forward at the knee. With the other hand use the collar push the dog backward and down. The net effect is like pushing a person backward, who is standing in front of a chair that buckles their legs causing them to sit. Say SIT first, the position the dog, and praise as if it was his idea, and give a treat. Repeat exercise about 5 times each training session, praising the dog more as you use less pressure to obtain a sit. Correct hand position

Say the word, "sit" first.  Then, position the dog, and praise as if it was the dog's idea. Give a treat while the dog is still sitting.  Then, release by saying, "okay" and clapping while moving backwards. 

NOT our Choice Method:
Place one hand on the dog's back, just in front of the hips. Spread your index finger and thumb, and apply inward pressure, just in front of each hip bone. The other hand can be on the collar and gently push back, into the sit.

NOT our Choice Method
Use a head halter. Begin with your dog at your side or in front of you. Hold the leash a few inches from the leash snap. Pull the leash forward and upward to point your dog's nose gently skyward. As you tip his or her nose up, the head should go gently back and the hindquarters will naturally lower to the ground as the dog pulls backward against the pressure at the back of the neck. As soon as the dog begins to sit, say, "Sit" and immediately release the tension on the leash. Offer a treat as a reward along with praise. The dog will quickly associate the sitting position with the word "Sit," and will begin to respond with a lighter and lighter pull on the leash.

Last Resort (also NOT our choice)
While the dog is wearing a neck collar and leash, pull up on the collar or leash, while pressing down on the rump.

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