ABN Affiliate Local Trainer Web page FAQ's

What is my Web page for?
Each Affiliate Local Trainer (ALT) has the option to have a custom ABN web page to communicate your services to the public. ABN has a template design for ALTs to use and included is the construction is one extended page of general information and one printable registration/enrollment form, plus pictures and links. See an example at www.AnimalBehavior.Net/BetterCompanion

Do I need a Web page?
Your ABN Web page is optional. It saves the worry and cost of hosting a website on a commercial server and paying for a domain name. This page will also integrate with other portions of the ABN website, intended to generate business for the ALT.

How do I get set up?
Begin compiling the text and pictures you want on your page.  Your basic ABN Web page includes the optimization and display of up to 3 pictures. You may also use your own graphic logo on your ABN Web page. We suggest a short personal introduction, your contact information, the programs that you offer through ABN as well as independently, descriptions of your services, etc. You may view the sample Web page above for reference. When you have your pictures and text ready, Email them to the ABN webmaster at WebMaster@AnimalBehavior.Net along with any special instructions. You will receive an Email when your page is operational and you can give feedback and make changes at that time.

I have more than 3 pictures I want to showcase, or I want more than one page on my website. What do I do?
Additional pages, photo galleries, online registration forms, and more can programmed by the ABN webmaster for an additional programming fee. Contact the ABN webmaster at 1-800-372-3706 ex 81 for prices.