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Liability Release Form

Indications for mild sedation to treat "emotional-stress"

Dear Pet Parent,

Excessive or prolonged barking is not normal, and indicates the need for some response. Ignoring barking is inhumane treatment. You are invited to review our protocol on how we respond to barking. You will find great understanding and compassion for barking dogs.

You will also find we have studied canine barking, and approach this topic with the pet’s best interest in mind.

In some cases, it is simply not possible to comfort the pet, and the proper treatment for excessive anxiety is either wearing a collar that causes a puff of air or citrus scent or administering anti-anxiety medication. Mild sedation is the last option, after every other technique has been attempted.

Having this option available is a major benefit of a Veterinary supervised kennel. In fact, it is only in a veterinary supervised kennel, that your pet can have its anxiety reduced in a safe and controlled environment. Our goal is relaxed and happy pets.

The first time it is necessary to give mild sedation, it is done at no charge. Your alternatives for next visit are: 1) to request and purchase oral tranquilization, and authorize its use in future boarding. This is significantly less expensive than the injectable form. 2) schedule a behavior consultation or 3) pay for sedation as necessary in the future.
Since you can’t be with your pet, please give him or her the gift of anxiety free relaxation while staying with us.

I have read and accept this boarding policy.

Signature _________________________________ Date: __________

Copies of this form, and our Barking Protocol available upon request send email to

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