Animal Behavior Network
Error Free Kitten Raising Tips
by Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS

Just minutes a day of learning gives you the best relationship possible with your cat!

Getting Started - Feline specific vocabulary

Can you hear me now?

How your kitten learns is more about vocabulary than volume. Decide on the words, hand motions, and other body language you want your kitten to learn.

Be deliberate and consistent in how you move your body when you are teaching your kitten. Your body language and facial expressions can work with you or against you when teaching pets. 

Write down the words you want to teach your kitten and share with the family. Post the words on the refrigerator to help everyone be consistent. Consistency helps your kitten learn more quickly.

Words to consider teaching:  Sit, Wave, Bat, Bow, Creep, Drop, Over, Sit-Up, Kennel, Roll, Stay, Rub Noses,
Lick, Jump, Under, Over, On Top, Mat, Fetch, Catch, Pounce.

Avoid words with the letter "s" and the letter "f" because they have hissing sounds which are naturally aversive to cats. Use these words as corrections. For example use, "Scoot," to mean - move out of my way, and "scat" to mean - get off a table or counter. Listen carefully to your kitten's purr. Learn to murmur sweet nothings in your kitten's ear and rub foreheads to show affection. 

Error-Free Kitten Raising Tips™ and Positive Cat Parenting™ for your kitten.

For your education...

Teaching Vocabulary

Learn to raise a happy, well-behaved cat and fabulous feline friend for life.

Copyright © 2001-Present  - All Rights Reserved - Rolan Tripp, DVM and Susan Tripp, MS - Animal Behavior Network & Affiliates
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